Sunday, February 24, 2013

a spot of knitting

i learnt how to knit at school and promptly forgot soon after. then, a couple of years ago, i decided to try it out again (thank you, youtube!) and fell in love with it. i'm not very good and make loads of mistakes, but there's something about it that i find really therapeutic. and knitting baby stuff is great because they knit up so quickly and look so cute!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

more snow!

well, just more pictures of the snow...which has now turned to grey sludge and which is a nightmare to push a stroller through, but hey, these pictures are how i like to remember it!

Monday, February 11, 2013

five months

eighteen weeks

nineteen weeks

twenty weeks (and mostly sleeping off her first cold)

twenty-one weeks

five months! (and she started rolling from her back to her front, then complaining loudly that she was stuck on her tummy!)

Friday, February 8, 2013

snowy walks

it's snowing! well, it's actually a snow storm and there's a lot of snow, but it's still snowing...and i love it! as does reese, who insists on rolling around and scampering in it. and trying to eat as much of it as he can...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


i've never been a morning person and i love my sleep, but waking up to this isn't so bad :) and yes, that's how reese likes to sleep in the morning!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

happy birthday, sean!

this time last year, we were in hawaii celebrating sean's birthday, completely unaware that i was pregnant. this year seemed equally special though as we got a babysitter and actually went out for dinner, just the two of us! needless to say, i was very excited. how much has changed in a year! wherever we are, or however we celebrate, i love sharing birthdays with you, sean :)